
I love music. I love it and find I need it. I love the sound of an acoustic guitar and a voice singing along. Something about it is just mysterious and full of passion. Those who are blessed with the talent, use it. Those who are not, we will listen and thoroughly enjoy it. Wayne said that for him, loud music is soothing to his soul. I find that I can identify with it. I love to sing along (by myself of course) while driving and just belt it out. I find that I am almost closer to God when I have listened to some music and sang out loud. It is that mysterious feeling of something bigger and more powerful than I can ever be. I feel as if I am in His presence. Maybe I might just be nuts but oh well. I think God can use a tool, such as music, to show His greatness and presence. This picture that I have added shows a peace that only God can give. He shows His greatness in many different ways. We just have to be open to seeing them and give God the glory. Look around you and see the different ways He gives you peace to your soul.
At 7:53 AM,
Kelela said…
Yes we shall take a guitar when we go camping. Kara you also have a nice voice. Love ya!
At 7:54 AM,
Michelle said…
I know exactly what you mean about music. For me it`s the same way. It touches the soul in a way you just can`t explain in words. It`s much deeper and more proufound that notes on a page and words that rhyme...
The music here is lovely. Lively, joyful... beautiful. God has given humankind such a wonderful gift in music. It becomes a spiritual experience i think.
I`m singing in the choir here too and it`s fantastic. Just singing some silly chants like `ta da da di da dum da di dum dum... tim da da dum da da da dum dum` it doesn`t mean anything, but when you sing it it`s the most beautiful thing in the world. It lifts your spirit, it is joy.
I love music.
At 7:56 AM,
Michelle said…
isn`t that weird Kelela? I think we might have just posted at the same time... but for me it`s 10:52am and for you it`s like WAY earlier. I`m halfway through my day of classes... you just woke up. Time zones are funny things...
At 8:15 PM,
Kelela said…
Haha! yes that is funny that we posted at the same time!! Quite hilarious! I miss you so much. We should get together and make music someday. ok? And you can teach me the french way of doing it! hehe!
At 7:39 AM,
Michelle said…
love you
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