So as most of you know, I am very white. Quite pale. Some have called me pasty or blinding. It can be quite frustrating. I don't hate what I look like but I don't quite appreciate or like it at times. Such as today. I went out for lunch with a friend and we sat outside. Yes, I know you are squinting at the knowing experience I had. I burned. Yes, I am red once again as I was 2 weeks ago. Does anyone realize how frustrating that is! I can't even sit outside for and hour without frying! I don't get it. I know most of the red heads out there can relate. It can be harder than you think to have a very white complexion. I think I was ment to live in the old days when if you were white, it was good. Tanned was looked down apon then. Not saying I don't wish I could be tanned, but that is how it was back then.
Tanned is the good looking factor of this day and age. I do understand that yes, they could get cancer and yes, it sometimes look fake (because it is). It still doesn't make being super white any easier. Most of the time I am alright with being blindingly white, but when the summer begins and I look around at all the people who can tan really easily and look great, I do feel a slight tinge of wishing I was someone else.
This blog is not ment for you readers to not feel sorry for me or feel guilty for being able to tan. It is just how I feel on hot days when even if I wear sunscreen, I still burn! I do know that God made me how I am. I know that. I know that no one elses opinion shouldn't matter and God's is the only one that matters... But that is harder than it is said (or typed in this case). A dear friend once said they would never marry any one who burns because they don't want to pass that on to their children. It may have been a joke and I do understand, but that comment has stuck with me for the couple years. Now, marriage is not something I focus on, but that comment is just something that rings in my head. I may not be good enough for my friend, which is fine and there are no hurt feelings in the matter, but being good enough for others is something I struggle with. (He and I are still friends by the way. If he is reading this, really there is no hard feelings.)
I believe that I am made this way and I am beautiful in God's eyes. I really do believe it. I just struggle with keeping up with this worlds expectations. Not that I have to be keeping up, but deep down, lots of girls want to be beautiful in the worlds eyes. I just may have a small case of that sickness.
Tanned is the good looking factor of this day and age. I do understand that yes, they could get cancer and yes, it sometimes look fake (because it is). It still doesn't make being super white any easier. Most of the time I am alright with being blindingly white, but when the summer begins and I look around at all the people who can tan really easily and look great, I do feel a slight tinge of wishing I was someone else.
This blog is not ment for you readers to not feel sorry for me or feel guilty for being able to tan. It is just how I feel on hot days when even if I wear sunscreen, I still burn! I do know that God made me how I am. I know that. I know that no one elses opinion shouldn't matter and God's is the only one that matters... But that is harder than it is said (or typed in this case). A dear friend once said they would never marry any one who burns because they don't want to pass that on to their children. It may have been a joke and I do understand, but that comment has stuck with me for the couple years. Now, marriage is not something I focus on, but that comment is just something that rings in my head. I may not be good enough for my friend, which is fine and there are no hurt feelings in the matter, but being good enough for others is something I struggle with. (He and I are still friends by the way. If he is reading this, really there is no hard feelings.)
I believe that I am made this way and I am beautiful in God's eyes. I really do believe it. I just struggle with keeping up with this worlds expectations. Not that I have to be keeping up, but deep down, lots of girls want to be beautiful in the worlds eyes. I just may have a small case of that sickness.
At 10:02 PM,
Jeanette said…
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At 10:02 PM,
Jeanette said…
Just think, someday those bathing beauties will be super wrinkly and not nearly as attractive as you when you are 80 years old. not that it matters because by then each of you will have snagged some man for a husband and no longer feel the need to look attractive. But at least then your husband will still think of you as beautiful... not that the fake n bakers husbands wont love them... oh boy, i dont know where this is going. You'll still be hot and have a pretty face when your old is what im trying to get across.
At 7:47 AM,
Michelle said…
pale is the new tan!
And ouch... I know how it is to burn... I got a very very minor redness on my shoulders the other day and I was remembering teen camp last year and how badly I got burnt. It made my skin tingle just to think about the intense pain. Ouch!
Sucky. But yeah, take care of your skin. I like your skin, it`s pretty. :) YOu should get a parasol so you can sit in constant shade and protect your fair face.
I loves you... I always wanted red hair and freckles.
You should try some spf 50 sunscreen... my mom has some. Crazy stuff.
see you in 8 days!
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