Well as for my last post, I am still unemployed but am trying to do things to keep me going. It hasn't been as terrible as I was feeling before. I had a great weekend with youth group kids, had an interesting day on sunday because I was pretty tired and felt kinda awkward. Monday was a good recoop day because I got to exercize which always makes things a bit better and went to a friends house where I was completely competative playing settlers and hope I wasn't too competative that I won't be invited anymore because I don't get invited for things very often and that was quite a jolly good time over all anyways. Then today I got my hair cut which is very fun doing as well. Life is ok. I feel that I got a lot to learn and a lot to become but I am ok with who I am right now. It's kind of a peaceful feeling. Yes, I do change like nothing before and I could easily be unsure again but I like this feeling. I am excited about being at youth group and serving God. It's really cool. Well thats where my thoughts have run out. I hope those in climbing mountains right now are having an awesome experience. Peace out brudda!
At 8:22 PM,
Michelle said…
:) We should hang out Cherwyl. You should come visit me at a certain coffee shop some certain wednesday or friday mornings. :)
I'm glad that said retreat was lovely. I missed out. :( But there will be others I suppose.
hmm, you up for sleepover friday or saturday night? Party!!
At 4:17 PM,
Lisa said…
i love the fall youth group retreat. lucky that you got to go. soak in these unemployed moments, although it feels weird.
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
thanks for the shout out to us mountain climbing folk. it was a blast. i'm also sad i didn't get to go to the youth group retreat...i feel old and sad...but happy that i'm not in high school anymore. loves
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