Busy busy. That describes my feelings of life a the moment. It really isn't completely true but I feel anxious. I don't know what that's all about but it's weird. Maybe stressed is a better word. I am not sure.
Well this evening we had an exciting night at youth group and the theme was AMISH NIGHT. Now I know it wasn't the greatest night to have after those shootings in that amish school... But we had the idea already thought about before! I promise. We had fun dressing up and playing games. It was just an overall fun time had by all (I hope...). I will add some pictures to show the joyous time.
I have also lately been thinking about The Great Commission and how we aren't really doing much about it. In reality, how many non Christian friends do you have? Seriously. I am sure not too many that are super close. Sometimes there are those who are close but I have been noticing in my church, some people I observe don't. I am one that also falls into that category. It feels pretty shameful to admit that! We are supposed to go into the world and tell people about the wonderful news of Jesus! This whole thing of being a hypocrite has been on my mind lately with thinking of being a Christian. It's a lot to think through I find. Any thoughts on what your opinion is on the subject, let me know. I would like to hear it.
Christmas banquet at work is in a month and I have to tell them if I am going. Scary thought because I am new and I don't know many of them at all. I suck at making up my mind lets just say. Well I would also like to point out that this post is pretty much perfect in writing. So if someone reads this and tries to scrutinize it, you can't. :)