I was thinking about how blessed I have been. I have grown up in a loving family and had no major problems growing up at all. I have only had to make one big trip to the hospital for myself when I fell on my face and had to get hooked up to an IV every 6 hours. But I healed and was alright. Things have been pretty great through out my life. I don't thank God enough for all the blessings He has given me.
Many years ago, I would hang out with a family all the time that lived just five doors down. It was so much fun. We even would pop by when they had company. Little did I know, one of the families they had over those many years ago, would make such an impact on me this year.
At camp, I reunited with this family once again that I had met from a long time ago. My very own "Mini-Me" was there. She wanted her hair done like mine and she always wanted to sit with me during chapel. It was pretty fun. I rememeber being a little girl like that wanting to be just like the older girl.
Yesterday, I heard news on my "mini-me" which now brings me to tears. She is having major heart surgery next week. She is so small and so young. I just don't understand. I feel almost guilty for living a life with pretty much no problems. She is so young and has so much life before her. I don't know how to describe how I feel about this. All I know is it makes me cry.
There are so many things I don't understand. I know that God uses everything for His glory. But why do we have emotions tied to it? I guess I just want to do something but don't know. Erk! I want to get away.